Our Rec Centers, Offices, and Pools will be closed
April 18, 19, & 20.

Crafty Kids Camp
Available at Bluffton & Burton Wells Rec Centers
Treat your child to a camp session (2 weeks) filled with fun arts & crafts, cooperative games, indoor and outdoor activities, and more. Each week will end with a culminating activity such as a carnival, Olympics, art show, etc. Camp may include field trips to your local pool.
All Around Athletes Camp
Available at Bluffton & Burton Wells Rec Centers
Campers will spend a fun-filled session (2 weeks) learning fundamentals in various sports. Weekly sports may include: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball/Softball, Flag Football, and more. Campers will engage in sport-specific skill development and scrimmages, as well as familiar playground games like kickball, dodgeball, etc. Each session will culminate with a final sporting event, such as a field day, Olympics, World Cup, World Series, etc. Camp may include field trips to your local BCPR pool.
Athletics & Arts Camp
Available at Scott Rec Center
Treat your child to a camp session (2 weeks) filled with a little bit for everyone. Camp will include activities for athletes and artists, including skill development and games for various sports, fun arts & crafts, cooperative games, indoor and outdoor activities, and more. Each session will end with a culminating activity such as a carnival, Olympics, art show, etc. Camp may include field trips to your local pool.
Camp Details
*Campers should bring a bag lunch and snack each day. Refrigeration is NOT provided.
*Campers will swim during the session. Additional details will be provided prior to the start of camp.
ADD-ON (Select during program registration if needed)
**Extended Camp Care Scott Center: (6-12 years):
Duration: 8:00am to 9:00am & 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Extended Care Drop-off allowed no earlier than 7:45am and pick-up no later than 5:15pm.
Extended care is supervised, but unstructured time before and after camp for parents whose work schedule requires a little more flexibility with camp drop-off and pick-up times. Movies, board games, and other quiet activities will be provided.