Our Rec Centers, Offices, and Pools will be closed April 18, 19, & 20.

23 million Americans played tennis in 2023, according to a recent report from the US Tennis Association. Beaufort County operates 12 tennis courts spanning 6 properties. If you'd like lessons, contact Larry Scheper.
Bluffton Center - located in the Town of Bluffton
Beaufort Tennis - located in the City of Beaufort
Scott Recreation Complex - located on St. Helena Island
Shell Point Park - located in Town of Port Royal, Shell Point
Southside Tennis Courts - located in the City of Beaufort
St. Helena Park/Wesley Felix - located on St. Helena
· Failure to follow rules or directions may result in loss of privileges or other action. Beaufort County and local law enforcement reserves the right to remove anyone from the facility at any time. Local law enforcement has jurisdiction over this property.
· Court is open from 7:00 AM until 10:00 PM daily if facility has lighting. If the facility does not have lighting, courts close at dusk. No loitering and no trespassing after hours.
· Children 12 and under must always be accompanied by an adult.
· Use of the court is at your own risk and user must inspect court prior to use for any damage, uneven surfaces, debris, or objects on the court that may cause injury. Do not use when wet.
· No sharp objects such as glass, metal, rocks, or debris are allowed on the court. Please use trash containers.
· Proper soft sole footwear required.
· Only tennis shall be played on the court. Soccer, skateboards, inline skates, bikes, and motorized vehicles prohibited, unless for handicap accessibility purposes.
· Pets, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, foul language, fighting, and weapons are prohibited.
· Limit play to 1 hour if others are waiting. Organized events or services must be approved by Beaufort County. Reservations have priority over general public use.
· Do not abuse net or other equipment.
· Report any damages to Beaufort County at 843-255-6710
In the event of an emergency, dial 911.